Simple Email Newsletter Integration is included with our Digital PTO Premium + Plan, but you can still add professional email delivery tools to your Digital PTO account for little to no money, regardless of the plan you are currently using. Digital PTO has tested and approved two email newsletter providers for our platform: Constant Contact and Mail Chimp.
Email Newsletters Available to All Members
Free Plans, Premium Plans & Premium + Plans can all utilize either of our two newsletter partners. While our two partners offer similar services, they differ greatly in features and functionality. We have provided a quick summary of their features below.
Constant Contact Email Newsletters
Constant Contact is our favorite newsletter provider due to their incredible customer service, easy to use tools and extremely low prices.
Monthly Fee: $15* (even less with annual payments!)
Strengths over Mail Chimp: Constant Contact has a phone number you can call anytime for questions & assistance. This is unheard of with a service that only costs $15 a month, and to add to the experience, the actual service is excellent.
Constant Contact has much easier tools for creating newsletters than Mail Chimp, especially for novices. Constant Contact offers additional products that can be integrated into your account like; Event Planning, Surveys and more.
Constant Contact has quite a few more templates available to novice users. In addition to direct phone assistance, Constant Contact provides fantastic training and tutorials and documentation for users who want to explore on their own. And finally, Constant Contact has one click integration with Social Media Tools like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Special Offer: Digital PTO Members receive a Free 90 Day Trial with Constant Contact.
Click Here to Get Started!
Mail Chimp Email Newsletters
Mail Chimp is much more complicated than Constant Contact but it is also an extremely powerful email newsletter tool that works amazingly well. The main selling point? It’s FREE. Yep. If you have less than 1000 email members, you can send professional emails from Mail Chimp at absolutely no cost. The big downside to Mail Chimp is the lack of direct customer support. The free service does not offer any sort of live customer assistance so keep that in mind if you are someone that tends to need help one on one.
Monthly Fee: $0 (up to 1000 members!)
Strengths over Constant Contact: You just can’t beat the price. Mail Chimp is a very strong service used by thousands of companies around the world and with their free plan, if you are willing to learn how to use their platform, it’s by far the best option for a self starter or even slightly skilled web designer. Our absolute favorite feature of Mail Chimp is the ability to create a newsletter from a web page you have designed. If you have a volunteer who can design a newsletter template for you, you can upload that file directly to Mail Chimp and BAM, your email is ready to go with a few adjustments and settings. It’s quite amazing.
Getting Started: Mail Chimp needs no special offers! Click Here to Get Started!
* Constant Contact monthly rate can be as low as $10.50 a month (as of Spring 2011) if you qualify for non-profit status and pay on an annual basis. This is an incredible deal. The $15/month rate is based on 500 email subscribers or less.