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Digital PTO is extremely simple to use, but includes a huge variety of built-in robust features for PTA’s & PTO’s of all sizes. Below is a list of some of the key features and which Digital PTO plan they are included with.



The Free Plan

Designed for PTAs on extremely tight budgets and for PTOs wishing to try out a free website. A great stepping stone to a premium membership.

The Premium Plan

All the features of the free plan, plus loads of premium options and zero advertising.

The Premium+ Plan

Custom Forms, registration databases, online payment processing and much more.


It’s Free
(supported by some advertising)

as low as $20.83
per month

as low as $39.99

per month

Digital PTO Overview Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Unlimited News Posts” title=”Unlimited News Posts” type=”inline” inline_id=”unlimitedposts”]

Post to your hearts content, you have no limits. Consider your website the portal to your community. Anything you want to share should be posted and available on your website.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Unlimited Info Pages” title=”Unlimited Informational Pages” type=”inline” inline_id=”unlimitedpages”]

Your Informational Pages will hold everything from contact information, school registration, fundraising info, and more. Create as many pages as you want! Many of our templates support multiple levels of pages as well.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Add Images to News & Pages” title=”Quickly Add Images to your Pages” type=”inline” inline_id=”addimages”]

All Digital PTO plans support uploading images to both your pages and your news posts. Paid plans receive an enormous level of storage for images galore!




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Simple Formatting Feature” title=”Simple Formatting Feature” type=”inline” inline_id=”simpleformatting”]

Digital PTO has two different content entry options. For the novice user, our content entry is as simple as formatting a Microsoft Word document, or even an email. It’s easy and you see the results on the screen. No complicated coding at all. Our advanced users will appreciate direct HTML access for more precise adjustment.

We really do promise it’s easy :)




Technical & Hosting Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Hosting Included” title=”Hosting Included in all Plans” type=”inline” inline_id=”hosting”]

Every Digital PTO website (even the free ones!) come with free premium hosting.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Super Fast & Robust Servers” title=”Super Fast & Robust Servers” type=”inline” inline_id=”servers”]

All Digital PTO websites are hosted on the latest in cloud server technology. Your site will be fast and reliable especially at the times you need it most.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Storage Space” title=”Storage Space included with Plans” type=”inline” inline_id=”storage”]

Every Digital PTO site comes with space to store images and files on our servers. The free plan has a limited amount of space whereas the Premium Plans offer enormous levels of space to work with and save images, etc on. If a Free Plan user needs more space, we suggest they upgrade to a premium package to take advantage of all the added benefits and options.

20 MB

500 MB

5 GB

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Advertising” title=”Advertising Turned off on Premium Plans” type=”inline” inline_id=”advertising”]

We offer two options with advertising. You can select a free plan and your website will have carefully screened 3rd party advertisements below your posts and pages, OR, you can select one of our premium plans and all advertising will be turned off. Please note that all sites do contain a small Digital PTO link in the footer.

Supported by limited Advertising

No Advertising

No Advertising

Ease of Use Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”30 Second Installation” title=”Up and Running in 30 Seconds Flat” type=”inline” inline_id=”seconds”]

Ahhh technology. You don’t have to wait for us to activate your site and get you set up! Sign up online and within seconds your new site is ready for you to create, promote and publish. Our Premium Plans offer the same fast set up but do require some human intervention as well to install and configure our premium features.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Getting Started Guide” title=”Site Quick Start Wizard” type=”inline” inline_id=”quickstart”]

A favorite of our first time users, the Digital PTO Getting Started Guide is a great way to start. Broken into small steps, this guide will walk you through all the necessary steps to get your PTA website up and running quickly.

Want to see the Getting Started Guide? Click here.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Easy Admin Settings” title=”Easy Admin Option” type=”inline” inline_id=”easyadmin”]

Digital PTO offers two different ways to access your administrative section. Our Easy Admin option hides most of the advanced features and functionality and allows users to focus on their content faster and easier. More advanced users can switch to the advanced mode and have full access all the features included in their selected plan.




Privacy & User Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Privacy Controls” title=”You Control your Own Privacy Options” type=”inline” inline_id=”privacy”]

We believe very strongly that each individual PTA should be able to determine their own privacy settings based on their needs. By default, we allow both visitors and search engines to your site, but you have the option to ask the engines not to index your website or your can restrict access only to registered users. It all depends on what you want and need. Some PTA’s are very public about their programs and community relationships, other PTA’s prefer to lock down their information and only provide it to their registered user database.

Full Privacy Controls

Full Privacy Controls

Full Privacy Controls

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”User Accounts Allowed” title=”Unlimited User Accounts” type=”inline” inline_id=”users”]

If you decide to restrict access to your registered users, rest assured that we allow for unlimited users with all of our plans, so you will never have to worry about reaching a quota or be forced to pay more to allow for additional users. You can add as many as you need. Stress Free.




Customization Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Theme Library” title=”Customize your site and make it your own” type=”inline” inline_id=”themes”]

All of our Digital PTO plans offer multiple theme options. The theme is the look and feel of your site. Digital PTO sites are built using advanced technology that allows for instant changes to your sites look and feel without losing content or having to replace your data with the changes. It’s pretty amazing. The Free plan comes with a handful of themes to select and (of course) the Premium Plans come with a truck load of themes to pick from. Try a few on for size in our preview pane and see what your site will look like without changing anything for your regular visitors.

40+ Themes

60+ Themes

60+ Themes

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Full HTML Editing Available” title=”Full HTML Editing Available” type=”inline” inline_id=”fullhtml”]

Our advanced users will appreciate the access we provide to full HTML coding within your posts and pages. Our advanced user interface allows you to switch between visual edit mode and HTML mode with a single click.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Customizable Drag & Drop Widgets” title=”Customizable Drag & Drop Widgets” type=”inline” inline_id=”widgets”]

Many of our themes offer the ability to customize their content with a simple drag and drop system. Want to add a list of your most recent news items? Just drag it over! Want to show a calendar of your past posts? Drag it over! There are a number of widgets to select from on all of our Plans. Our VIP plan has a number of custom widgets designed just for PTA’s like a board member listing and more.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Simple Contact Forms” title=”Simple Contact Forms” type=”inline” inline_id=”simplecontact”]

The whole idea behind Digital PTO is to communicate better with your school’s community. Each Digital PTO site comes with a simple contact form you can turn on or off with the click of a button. Specify where you want the emails sent and we take care of the rest.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Customizable Menus” title=”Customizable Menus” type=”inline” inline_id=”custommenus”]

No two PTA’s are the same, so why would their websites be? Many of our themes allow you to design your own menu structure based on your needs. Don’t feel like worrying about it? Not to worry, we’ll just create one for you as you go and you can change it if you want. How’s that for simple?




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Customizable Themes” title=”Customizable Themes” type=”inline” inline_id=”customthemes”]

Many of our themes offer customization that are simple for all users to perform. Customizations include color selections, head image changes, menu changes, widget adjustments and more. Please note: the customizations are based on the theme, not the plan selected.




Premium Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Events Calendar ” title=”Events Calendar” type=”inline” inline_id=”basiccalendar”]

Premium members receive access to a powerful Events Calendar that allows for adding events with just a few clicks. All premium themes support displaying a small side widget of upcoming events as well as a larger full page calendar directly on your PTAs website.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Events Calendar Pro” title=”Events Calendar Pro” type=”inline” inline_id=”procalendar”]

Premium Plus members have access to our most powerful events calendar, the Events Calendar Pro. This events calendar allows for categorization, adds location & organizer options, has a beautiful and clean design and comes with a number of custom sidebar widgets to really highlight your PTAs events. Events are added with a simple date picker and the calendar accomodates images, descriptions and much more. Events can be viewed in a Monthly calendar view or in a complete events list. Past calendars are available as well. It’s really quite amazing.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Business Sponsor Advertising” title=”Business Sponsor Advertising Module” type=”inline” inline_id=”sponsor”]




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”PDF Newsletter Integration” title=”PDF Newsletter Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”newsletterint”]

Your PTO site visitors will be able to read or download the latest news from your PTO via your Newsletter directly on the website. No Plug In’s or Readers required. Works on all browsers and all computers. Easy. Simple. Digital PTO.

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Access to Plug-Ins” title=”Access to Plug-Ins” type=”inline” inline_id=”plugins”]

When you subscribe to one of our Premium plans, we provide direct access to the plug-in’s settings and management area on your website.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Premium Themes” title=”Access to Premium Themes” type=”inline” inline_id=”premiumthemes”]

Our Premier PTO website plans offer access to over 50 premium themes that have been tested and proven to work for your website design. To make navigating the Premium Themes easier we have a handy chart that outlines their differences.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Premium Plug-In’s” title=”Access to Premium Plug-In’s” type=”inline” inline_id=”premiumplugins”]

Premium Plug In’s allow you additional functionality such as mailing list sign up options, search engine optimization tools, integration and more.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Accept Credit Cards Online” title=”Accept Credit Cards Online” type=”inline” inline_id=”payonline”]

Your PTA or PTO can accept credit cards online!

If you have been looking for the perfect solution to start accepting credit cards with your parent group, this is the perfect solution for you. Extremely low rates, flexible payment platforms and a ton of features.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Google Analytics Integration” title=”Google Analytics Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”googleanalytics”]

PTA’s that wish to integrate Google Analytics into their website can do so with a simple click. No pasting code into templates necessary.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Use your Own Domain Name” title=”Use your Own Domain Name” type=”inline” inline_id=”domainname”]

If you would prefer to use your own domain name (URL) for your Digital PTO website, we offer that option to all of our Premium Members. Simply point your domain to our servers and we will take care of the rest for you.




Mobile Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Mobile Blogging Access” title=”Mobile Blogging Access Enabled” type=”inline” inline_id=”mobileblogging”]

Savvy PTO website administrators will be able to access and update their website from mobile phones including the iPhone and Droid phones.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”iPhone Specific Theme” title=”iPhone Specific Theme” type=”inline” inline_id=”iphonetheme”]

Premium Members will have the ability to activate an iPhone specific theme that will create an “application” for iphone users to interact with your site. No coding is required, it’s all activated with one click of a button. Best of all, customization options are virtually unlimited.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”iPad Specific Theme” title=”iPad Specific Theme” type=”inline” inline_id=”ipadtheme”]

Building on our iPhone specific theme, Premium Members will also have access to a beautiful iPad specific theme for iPad users. The theme includes custom ipad animated movement that adds class and style to any PTA website.




Premium Form & Registration Features

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Accept Credit Cards directly with your online forms” title=”Payment Processing Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”paymentprocessing”]

Digital PTO’s Premium Plus Plans offer a variety of ways for PTA’s to collect money online via credit cards, electronic checks and paypal. We offer numerous options for integration including on forms or with actual shopping carts. We have also negotiated exceptionally low rates for PTA’s and PTO’s with our credit card processing partners. Contact us for more info on payment processing integration. Payment processing can integrate into any form you have on your website.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Accept Paypal directly on your online forms” title=”Paypal Payment Processing Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”paypalforms”]

Digital PTO’s Premium Plus Plans offer a variety of ways for PTA’s to collect money online via credit cards, electronic checks and Paypal. Paypal Payment processing can integrate into any form you have on your website when you are a Premium Plus Member. You will need a paypal payments account to set this up.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Download All Form Submission Data” title=”Family Registration Forms & Database Management” type=”inline” inline_id=”familyregistration”]

Imagine this.. Families register for your PTA online. All fee’s and dues are paid online. When it’s time to look someone up you can jump online and do a quick search to check their info. Edit their details online and save. Export your database to create phone books and more. It’s all possible with a Premium or Premium Plus Plan.
View Sample Forms Here




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Integrated Contact Us Form” title=”Integrated Contact Us Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”contactforms”]

Digital PTO offers a professional Contact Us form integrated directly into your website. This is a much more advanced form than the one that comes with the Free Plan.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Online Family Registration Form” title=”Online Family Registration Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”familyforms”]

Digital PTO offers perfectly integrated Family Registration forms for PTAs and PTOs. Premium Plus members can also enjoy the added benefit of credit card payments integrated with their family registration forms to cover dues, donations, etc.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Online Volunteer Sign Up Form” title=”Online Volunteer Sign Up Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”volunteerforms”]

Digital PTO offers perfectly integrated Volunteer Sign Up forms for PTAs and PTOs .Download the data in bulk to organize anyway you want.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Pre Built Form Library” title=”Pre Built Form Library” type=”inline” inline_id=”customforms”]

Every PTA has different needs so Digital PTO offers a variety of online forms like: Talent Show Sign Up, Science Fair Sign Up, Family Phone Book Registration, PTA Registration, PTA feedback forms and more.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Science Fair Registration Form” title=”Science Fair Registration Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”sciencefairform”]

One of the pre-built forms available to Premium Plus Members. This one specifically to replace printed paper Science Fair Registration Forms.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Talent Show Registration Form” title=”Talent Show Registration Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”talentform”]

One of the pre-built forms available to Premium Plus Members. This one specifically to replace printed paper Talent Show Registration Forms.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Mail Chimp Newsletter Integration” title=”Professional Email Newsletter Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”pronewsletter”]

Digital PTO Premium Plus Members have the ability to integrate any of their forms with a current or new Mail Chimp email newsletter account. This saves a ton of time! Every time your family registration form is completed, that family will be automatically added to your Mail Chimp account. No more exporting csv’s and importing to mail chimp. It’s all automatic.




Help, Support & Training

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Complete Training & Use Documentation” title=”Complete Training & Use Documentation” type=”inline” inline_id=”documentation”]

All members receive free access to our in-depth training manuals and tutorials. Each of our tutorials and resources will walk you through individual steps for setting up your PTA website quickly and with ease.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Video Training Library” title=”Video Training Library” type=”inline” inline_id=”videotraining”]

All members receive free access to our in-depth training manuals, tutorials and video tutorials and training. Each of our tutorials and resources will walk you through individual steps for setting up your PTA website quickly and with ease.




[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Premium Email Support” title=”Premium Email Support” type=”inline” inline_id=”premiumemail”]

Digital PTO Premium Members enjoy direct access email to our support team during standard business hours. This feature is only available to premium members.





start a free PTA site

start a premium PTA site

Start a VIP PTA site


It’s Free
(supported by some advertising)

as low as $20.83
per month

as low as $39.99

per month


* Add-On Features may have additional fee’s. Not all Add-On’s are included with selected packages fee.

Not all themes have customizable options and menu’s. Based on Theme design selected, not Plan.

It's Free. Forever. Seriously.

Supported by minimal advertising, the perfect way to get your Parent Group online at no cost. Now Includes the Events Calendar!

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Online Forms, Pro Themes

Unlock Online Family Registration Forms, Volunteer Forms, Form Creation, Premium Level Themes, and 500mb of space.

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No Ads & Unlimited Pages

Turn off third party ads, unlock unlimited informational pages and upgrade to 50mb of storage space.

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Accept Paypal Payments.

Unlock the power of accepting payments with Paypal on your Forms. Premium Themes, pre-built form library, 1gig of storage.

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More themes. More Space.

Add enhanced themes with the events calendar, 200 mb of storage space, custom domain names and more.

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Sign Up Now

It's free to get started, so don't wait any longer! Start with a free plan and grow as needed!

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