Digital PTO is extremely simple to use, but includes a huge variety of built-in robust features for PTA’s & PTO’s of all sizes. Below is a list of some of the key features and which Digital PTO plan they are included with.

The Free Plan
Designed for PTAs on extremely tight budgets and for PTOs wishing to try out a free website. A great stepping stone to a premium membership.
The Premium Plan
All the features of the free plan, plus loads of premium options and zero advertising.
The Premium+ Plan
Custom Forms, registration databases, online payment processing and much more.
Digital PTO Overview Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Unlimited News Posts” title=”Unlimited News Posts” type=”inline” inline_id=”unlimitedposts”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Unlimited Info Pages” title=”Unlimited Informational Pages” type=”inline” inline_id=”unlimitedpages”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Add Images to News & Pages” title=”Quickly Add Images to your Pages” type=”inline” inline_id=”addimages”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Simple Formatting Feature” title=”Simple Formatting Feature” type=”inline” inline_id=”simpleformatting”]
Digital PTO has two different content entry options. For the novice user, our content entry is as simple as formatting a Microsoft Word document, or even an email. It’s easy and you see the results on the screen. No complicated coding at all. Our advanced users will appreciate direct HTML access for more precise adjustment.
We really do promise it’s easy :)
Technical & Hosting Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Hosting Included” title=”Hosting Included in all Plans” type=”inline” inline_id=”hosting”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Super Fast & Robust Servers” title=”Super Fast & Robust Servers” type=”inline” inline_id=”servers”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Storage Space” title=”Storage Space included with Plans” type=”inline” inline_id=”storage”]
20 MB
500 MB
5 GB
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Advertising” title=”Advertising Turned off on Premium Plans” type=”inline” inline_id=”advertising”]
Supported by limited Advertising
No Advertising
No Advertising
Ease of Use Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”30 Second Installation” title=”Up and Running in 30 Seconds Flat” type=”inline” inline_id=”seconds”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Getting Started Guide” title=”Site Quick Start Wizard” type=”inline” inline_id=”quickstart”]
Want to see the Getting Started Guide? Click here.
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Easy Admin Settings” title=”Easy Admin Option” type=”inline” inline_id=”easyadmin”]
Privacy & User Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Privacy Controls” title=”You Control your Own Privacy Options” type=”inline” inline_id=”privacy”]
Full Privacy Controls
Full Privacy Controls
Full Privacy Controls
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”User Accounts Allowed” title=”Unlimited User Accounts” type=”inline” inline_id=”users”]
Customization Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Theme Library” title=”Customize your site and make it your own” type=”inline” inline_id=”themes”]
40+ Themes
60+ Themes
60+ Themes
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Full HTML Editing Available” title=”Full HTML Editing Available” type=”inline” inline_id=”fullhtml”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Customizable Drag & Drop Widgets” title=”Customizable Drag & Drop Widgets” type=”inline” inline_id=”widgets”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Simple Contact Forms” title=”Simple Contact Forms” type=”inline” inline_id=”simplecontact”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Customizable Menus” title=”Customizable Menus” type=”inline” inline_id=”custommenus”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Customizable Themes” title=”Customizable Themes” type=”inline” inline_id=”customthemes”]
Premium Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Events Calendar ” title=”Events Calendar” type=”inline” inline_id=”basiccalendar”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Events Calendar Pro” title=”Events Calendar Pro” type=”inline” inline_id=”procalendar”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Business Sponsor Advertising” title=”Business Sponsor Advertising Module” type=”inline” inline_id=”sponsor”]
Sponsor Ads are available on select themes, though portions of the module will work on any theme we offer.
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”PDF Newsletter Integration” title=”PDF Newsletter Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”newsletterint”]

[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Access to Plug-Ins” title=”Access to Plug-Ins” type=”inline” inline_id=”plugins”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Premium Themes” title=”Access to Premium Themes” type=”inline” inline_id=”premiumthemes”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Premium Plug-In’s” title=”Access to Premium Plug-In’s” type=”inline” inline_id=”premiumplugins”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Accept Credit Cards Online” title=”Accept Credit Cards Online” type=”inline” inline_id=”payonline”]
Your PTA or PTO can accept credit cards online!
If you have been looking for the perfect solution to start accepting credit cards with your parent group, this is the perfect solution for you. Extremely low rates, flexible payment platforms and a ton of features.
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Google Analytics Integration” title=”Google Analytics Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”googleanalytics”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Use your Own Domain Name” title=”Use your Own Domain Name” type=”inline” inline_id=”domainname”]
Mobile Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Mobile Blogging Access” title=”Mobile Blogging Access Enabled” type=”inline” inline_id=”mobileblogging”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”iPhone Specific Theme” title=”iPhone Specific Theme” type=”inline” inline_id=”iphonetheme”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”iPad Specific Theme” title=”iPad Specific Theme” type=”inline” inline_id=”ipadtheme”]
Premium Form & Registration Features
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Accept Credit Cards directly with your online forms” title=”Payment Processing Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”paymentprocessing”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Accept Paypal directly on your online forms” title=”Paypal Payment Processing Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”paypalforms”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Download All Form Submission Data” title=”Family Registration Forms & Database Management” type=”inline” inline_id=”familyregistration”]
View Sample Forms Here
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Integrated Contact Us Form” title=”Integrated Contact Us Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”contactforms”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Online Family Registration Form” title=”Online Family Registration Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”familyforms”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Online Volunteer Sign Up Form” title=”Online Volunteer Sign Up Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”volunteerforms”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Pre Built Form Library” title=”Pre Built Form Library” type=”inline” inline_id=”customforms”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Science Fair Registration Form” title=”Science Fair Registration Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”sciencefairform”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Talent Show Registration Form” title=”Talent Show Registration Form” type=”inline” inline_id=”talentform”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Mail Chimp Newsletter Integration” title=”Professional Email Newsletter Integration” type=”inline” inline_id=”pronewsletter”]
Help, Support & Training
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Complete Training & Use Documentation” title=”Complete Training & Use Documentation” type=”inline” inline_id=”documentation”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Video Training Library” title=”Video Training Library” type=”inline” inline_id=”videotraining”]
[thkBC height=”165″ width=”400″ anchortext=”Premium Email Support” title=”Premium Email Support” type=”inline” inline_id=”premiumemail”]
* Add-On Features may have additional fee’s. Not all Add-On’s are included with selected packages fee.
Not all themes have customizable options and menu’s. Based on Theme design selected, not Plan.