Working with Filters and Subscriptions
The Digital PTO Premium Plus Events Calendar (available to Premium Plus Members Only) offers customized views for your visitors depending on their needs and also allows your visitors to subscribe to both iCal and Google Calendar feeds of your calendar, including the ability to only subscribe to their filtered preferences.
We’ve mentioned this before, but we HIGHLY suggest that you use Event Categories with this calendar to give your users the best user experience with your calendar.
Feel free to direct your users to this page to get instructions on how to subscribe to your calendar.
View a live demo of the Premium Plus Events Calendar Here
Step 1: Understanding Categories
Categories are displayed on the individual events, but they are also displayed on the main view calendar as well. If you have selected colors, your events will be color coded with each different category. If your users wish to filter specific categories they can simply click on the CATEGORIES drop down on your calendar and click one or more categories that they wish to see. This, of course, only works if you are using categories (hint hint). If you would like to remove filtered categories, simply click the little “X” next to the Categories drop down and you will see all categories again.
Step 2: Understanding Subscriptions
Your users can quickly add your calendar to their own calendar if they are using a calendar that supports either iCal (iPhones, Mac and Outlook calendars) or if they are using a Google Calendar. If you users want to subscribe to ALL of your events, they can simply click the SUBSCRIBE (for iCal) or ADD TO GOOGLE (Google Calendar) button. This will open a dialog allowing your users to subscribe.
If your users would like to filter their subscriptions by one or more of your Categories, they should first select the categories they would like to use (by clicking on the CATEGORIES drop down) and then clicking on the new SUBSCRIBE TO FILTERED CALENDAR link provided. It’s very simple!