Apr 10 2014 in Ask Matt, Email News Ideas, General News, Tips & Tricks by Digital PTO
Over the last three years we have worked with thousands of Parent Teacher Groups across the country. Part of our sign up process for a Free Website asks for the email address for the Parent Group. We were shocked at first about how many parent teacher groups did not have a group email address. Many […]
Tags: pta email, pta email address, pto email, pto email address
Aug 2 2013 in Ask Matt, General News, Tips & Tricks by Digital PTO
As more and more families and community members from your school are turning to the internet as their main source of information and communication, I thought it might be helpful to outline some of the most important things to make sure to include on your Parent Groups Website. PTO and PTA websites of the past […]
Tags: create a pta website, create a pto website, pta websites, pto websites
Apr 10 2013 in Ask Matt, General News by Digital PTO
Two years ago this week I clicked a few buttons and unleashed Digital PTO on the world. The site had been ready to launch for over a month and we were conducting some final private beta testing to make sure everything was ready to go. I was sitting in a hotel room in Texas, the […]
Oct 19 2012 in Ask Matt, Plan News, Tips & Tricks by Digital PTO
I am asked multiple times a week by different PTA and PTO groups across the country how to go about making their new Digital PTO website as effective as possible. I always lay out the same basic principles to each of them and figure it’s time to turn this into a news post for all […]
Tags: create successful pta website, create successful pto website, pta website tips, pto website tips, top 10
Nov 23 2011 in Ask Matt by Digital PTO
First of all, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It is the time of year again that we all start to reflect on the last 12 months and assess the successes, the triumphs and the challenges. This has been a year of excitement and transitions at Digital PTO as well as in my own life, so it felt […]
Oct 27 2011 in Ask Matt, Parents Connect, Tips & Tricks by Digital PTO
If you are a PTA or PTO or PTSA in todays modern world and do not have a website, you are missing out. Every business and non-profit out there today has a website and you should too. Heck, even the Laundry Mats have websites now. It doesn’t matter if you are a huge PTA or […]
Tags: creating a pta website, pta website
Aug 11 2011 in Ask Matt, Back to School by Digital PTO
As the founder and creator of Digital PTO, I always feel like we need to do something better each year when we register for school and get families signed up for the PTA. The first year we introduced the concept of an email list and eliminating the paper news. The second year, we asked families […]